A small update to my Rackspace Cloud Monitoring configuration
In the last post I mentioned how I set up my Rackspace Cloud Monitoring system to notify me when my Blog fails or performs badly. I tweaked the configuration a little bit now: I deactivated the performance check.
Why is that? Because it did not monitor my Blog’s overall performance but just the quality of the transatlantic wires. And I can tell you: It’s very volatile.
While having constant good response times from the check zone in London, both U.S. zones are okay, bad, then critical and then okay again in a matter of some minutes. So I was spamming myself with that check.
I’d love to have a redundant performance check in place, but there are currently no two check zones in Europe, and I did not find a way up to now to restrict the performance check to the London values only. I think I’ll do some more research on that later. For now, I’m fine with the Code 200 ‘Up and running’ check.